Hi, today were are going to present you a innovated shoes that can multiplicate your running resistance.
These are the Enko G4 running shoes.
The G4 takes all of the energy from your stride and gives it back to you as you move forward, making it a racing assistive shoe.
The Enko G4 had a studded sole and is intended for use on roads or hard-packed surfaces.
The purpose of the shoes for competition is to give protection and stability to the feet and a firm grip on the ground.
Enko shoes boast a 2,000 kilometre lifespan, which is much longer than more traditional shoes, that last around 500-600 kilometres.
They are also heavier than a typical speed shoe, weighing in at 380g for a women's size 8.5.
I would recomend these shoes for a speed trainning as they aren't legals in copetitions.

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